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UA9UAX/8 at Timofeitch’s
UA9UAX/8 at Timofeitch’sFirst of all, some explanations are to be made to my foreign visitors. 1. At the present moment, the numeral 8 in Russian prefixes is chosen for HAMs who live in two small ethnic regions in Eastern Siberia. Those are taiga rural areas with just a few HAMs living there. 2. We, Russian, have a tradition of calling our close and respected acquaintances/friends who reached a certain age by their patronymic rather than their first name. That is why we often call UA8TA simply Timofeitch and not Pavel or even Pavel Timofeevitch.
I planned to work from UA8TA QTH before the winter season 2007-2008. I wrote a letter to Pavel Timofeevitch and got a positive answer from him, even started to do all the paperwork when a long series of unfortunate events came into place. Thus, the trip had to be postponed.
A year passed, and I found myself on vacation again, ready to go wherever whenever. I wrote a new letter to UA8TA and made a phone contact with Oleg, RX0SD. Oleg advised me to read his new photoreport about Timofeitch at www.rx0sd.ucoz.ru/publ/1-1-0-2 After seeing the story, it became clear that I had to go, no more questions asked. Especially since Oleg was promising any help he could provide, including transportation, and Pavel Timofeevitch also confirmed the invitation once again.
About 36 hours by the train following the route Topki – Taiga – Krasnoyarsk – Cheremhovo, and there is just some 5054 km between me and Moscow.
The outside temperature is not really winter-like...
Oleg, RX0SD, met me at the station, and we went to his office
I have to say that at that moment Oleg’s life was at its lowest point... His car had to be repaired after the crash.
No public transportation is available to our point of destination, and since we managed to get a car only much later in the evening, we decided to go see Gennady, RX0SA.
Having stoically rejected several quite firm invitations to join the locals in their celebration of our reunion, I managed to make about a hundred QSOs as UA9UAX/0 from RDA IR-17
Late evening. Time to visit UA8TA. It’s additional 50 km to go.
Alarsky region, UO-01 Continue...
Almost there. P.O. Ideal – this is, as I understand it, a post office named in according with the biggest village that serves the entire area of several smallest villages including Maloluchinsk where UA8TA lives. When during QSO I was asked about my QTH, usually I gave Ideal, as it is simpler and clearer in CW. I also wanted to take a picture of the sign at the entrance to Maloluchinsk , but there wasn’t any )))
We reached Maloluchinsk in complete darkness; it’s a good thing that RX0SD knows the way well. Shock #1 – in the yard of the house, at the very edge of the village, there were some kind of gigantic self-made wooden towers ... one more and here’s one yet again!! My gracious, nobody told me anything about them. Oh well, we’ll have to look around later, in the daylight.
Pavel Timofeevitch welcomed us wholeheartedly; after initial greetings and some discussion he placed me in his "shack,” located in 200 m from his house. That’s where we went with all our snacks and drinks ))).
The examination of the shack and its surroundings marked the next morning. Inside it was a 4m x 5m size structure, with somewhat low ceiling (at least, for me) and small celled window. The room included: a bed,
A stand with some kind of old-fashioned receiver (it might have been old Russian US-9). Doesn’t work though... opps! Working, it just needs several minutes to warm its old valves!
In front on the window there was a desk with IC-736 (an apparatus unknown to me; therefore, I’d have to figure it out by independent hands-on trial, go me ))) ),
And a phone which, as it turned out, is used only as a clock.
There was neither land-line nor mobile connection available in the village; however, the locals found out several spots in the most unusual places from where you can use your cell phone. Actually, the village’s bands are very clear, but you can feel the noises from the cell phone chargers immediately. That is why under the ceiling there was an apparatus hanging which turned out to be a self-made filter against the noise from the electric power supply line.
The shack was combined with other housekeeping structures, and all together they were situated on a large clearing at the gentle slope hill surrounded with pole fence. This clearing was made by Timofeitch himself who had to pay a fine to the local forestry commission for that.
Right in front of the entrance to the radio station there was a huge structure – a wooden tower 20 m high, made with logs and thick poles!!!
On the top of this gigantic monument of wooden architecture there were 2 elements Quad (20m and 15m), as well as various wire antennas.
In addition, the area has a wash-stand,
A "refrigerator,” )))
A "restroom,”
And "a parking zone” ))) Acceptable living conditions!
In addition, there was a weird thing which I first thought to be a sepulchral cross. However, everything turned out to be simpler and more complicated at the same time. Originally, the 2 elem. QQ antenna could rotate being mounted on a mast made of several logs. The ground held two huge logs with an extremely long log (like a ship timber one), through the axis in between, on the top of which the QQ boom was located. Note that the parts were held together by means of some old gear from the farm machinery and could rotate with the help of a rope. At the same time, the antenna could be taken up and down just like a well sweep, by means of a hand winch attached to the "cross.” As the time passed, Timofeitch realized that raising/lowing of the this mast required too much effort, especially since he had to use hammered in nails (!!!) to go up the mast, and there was no need to rotate the antenna because the air was good enough anyhow. Thus, he built a wodden tower (20 m in height) around the mast. If one is to look attentively, it’s possible to see those nails and the entire construction at the previous and following pictures.
On the base of the "shack” Timofeitch left the date of the foundation – September 1995. As he was born in 11/29/1937, it appears that he started the construction when he was almost 59! Moreover, he built the thing all on his own. According to him, his wife just helped him with some minor things from time to time, such as to tie the rope to the log so that he wouldn’t have to get down himself every time.
The tour across the village. The place consists of just one street, not longer than 1 km, which is located at the foot of the hill.
The houses are different, some are attractive,
And some are empty.
The population is about 200 people. Maloluchinsk Elementary School.
No job can be found. Here is the ruins of the last employer – the state cow farm that have been covered with snow for many years.
Having come back to Pavel Timofeevitch’s estate, I examined the high wooden towers in his yard.
The height of each tower is 20 meters !!!
When Timofeitch used to work from his house, 40 m band QQ were hanged on those towers. Now there are situated television antennas.
During one of the recent storms, one of the towers (the one closer to the right at the picture) turned to the side of the house. Timofeitch had to fix it with additional logs and guys.
Time to mention the animals living at the farm. First of all, that’s Bim – a 7-month-old Siberian husky. He is a very active and social dog that managed to get into nearly every picture taken during my walks. Always hungry. He was to keep me safe from bears and wolves )))
Timofeitch had many cats, but they all were somewhat wild – never did they let a stranger pet the, and they always tried to steal food from the table. The only cat that wasn’t afraid of me was old Marusya. The rest of the cats were her children, grandchildren and so on. She would come for a snack or nap, and then disappear again somewhere. She really was a Siberian cat – the edges of her ears were frostbitten.
One night another cat appear in the window. It checked on my occupations and went away.
One cannot live in the village without a cow. At the moment there were 7 cows all different sizes; 9 in the last year. Crisis has many faces...
Every day the woodpeckers stopped by beating the nearest trees with their heads using Morse code. I tried to get a picture of one, may be you can distinguish it at the photo )))
This is not a bird house, as you may think. This structure, built by Timofeitch himself, carried a special purpose - feeding the squirrels. He said that they even come there from time to time.
The nastiest creature is this common fly sitting on my log. It’s winter, and the fly, along with its multiple friends, decided to spend the cold season in the shack where it’s always warm. Every evening I, armed with a rolled newspaper, tried to decrease their numbers to more or less acceptable quantity. Every morning they were risen from the dead to torment me another day )))
After our lunch, Timofeitch invited me to visit his already famous "underground shack.” To begin one needs to over through the fence. For a 71-year-old person, to be able to do so is a sign of a great shape !
The path led to the hill, 300 meters from the main shack.
Along the path, the trees carried the electric power supply line.
On the top of the hill, in the middle of the clearing, one can see this interesting construction.
The stack of fire wood is lying under the shed at the entrance of the dug out.
The door is not really locked; the lock is in place simply to keep the animals out.
The host is inviting me inside.
The walls, floor and ceiling – everything is made with the logs. The size of the dug-out is aproximatelly 3m x 4m. The ceiling of the hut is a bit low, I am afraid.
There is a table for the equipment,
a seating/sleeping place,
and a small stove. We’d better warm it up, at least for the cats’ sake. Though the temperature inside is above 0°C.
At the moment, two cats and a kitten live in the hut to guard the place from the mice attack. The older cats disappeared the moment I came in; however, the kitten was fearless.
The logs are layered with real moss.
Nice! Everything’s 100 % organic!
The warmth will finally grace us with its presence )))
Blessed be the fire in the stove!
It works !!
There are a few bands dipoles between the trees.
This small fir-tree growing at the entrance to the dug-out was making difficult the building process. However, Timofeich exercised his mercy – it’s too little, let it grow.
Some trees Timofeitch got rid of, however. It’s a good thing that the local forestry people have crisis, too – otherwise, his crimes wouldn’t be neglected !! )))
A grounded device to work on the logs )))
I cannot get over the fact that Timofeitch launched this building when he was 70!!! It’s simply amazing: he did EVERYTHING by himself – digging, felling the trees, sawing, hammering in, and even making the stove!
From time to time, Timofeitch takes his transceiver and goes to his "underground shack” on the hill. It’s higher, quieter and closer to the nature. He calls those trips his «field days».
I still remember from my school days that the moss on the trees should always grow on the North side. However, these trees have it on the West side. Wrong trees or wrong rule? Or is it me getting crazy in the wilderness??
Bim is hunting
Old hunter and his dog
Going down. Timofeitch calls this place near his main shack a "round table.” He built it specially for the radio HAMs who visit him during the summer. The bonfire, BarBQ, drinking and talking until the midnight... Now the guests are rare – everybody’s busy...
Timofeitch used to build and run power amplifiers, but now they collect dust in the shed.
Sunday, after the lunch, Oleg, RX0SD, and Gennady, RX0SA, came. The main problem we were to solve was reconstruction of the antennas used by UA8TA.
The point is that Timofeitch decided this autumn to "modernize” his antennas to get ready for winter. The 40 m Delta loop had its resonance 6,5 MHz; thus, I wasn’t heard well on that band. Also, he made a very acute triangle antenna for 160 m band which should work for 80 m bands as well, according to Timofeitch’s plans. However, we failed to find any resonance with that construction ))), that is why on 80 m band I made only few QSOs here (thankfully, IC-736 ATU worked rather well). We decided to get the ends of the "invention” lower and turn it into a 80 m Delta loop. RX0SA takes down the guy.
Then another one. Measuring, cutting, connecting a new 80 m antenna. It’s time to get it up – the day is coming to an end.
Getting the new antenna up and discovering that some other LW is preventing it. As it turned out, Timofeitch hung this LW specialy for his old Russian US-9 receiver in order to listen to "the enemies’" broadcasting. ))). All the attempts to avoid this wire miserably failed.
What happened in the next moment I will probably never forget in my entire life. Timofeitch took the wire-cutter and, saying, "Gonna get it now!” he began to climb upon the tower...!
And as he was, in huge ice-covered valenki, Timofeitch was rose to the top stepping on the logs covered by snow!!
This man will be 71 in a week!!!
"Get down, you son of a b...!!!”
Paying no attention to our cries, Timofeitch continued his dangerous journey up the slippery logs...
Finally on the top, he cut the preventing wire and commenced his way down.
I looking at his amazing person thinking, "Can I do the same?” I guess not... We hung 80 m Delta loop and made the 40 m antenna shorter. The test showed that the sizes were correct. Let’s hope that this winter Timofeitch will come through well.
RX0SD said that he cannot pick me up on Tuesday. Thus, he offered to "evacuate” me immediately. Oh well, I finally met Pavel Timofeevitch in person, got loads and loads of new impressions and had about 1000 QSOs - time to go home. The farewells were cut short; Timofeitch invited me to come again... Getting nothing but a very small pension of a village electrician, he provided me with lodging, equipment, food and drinks for several days adamantly declining any money in return. The only thing he agreed to accept as a present was a LED flashlight. In the dark village, this thing is a necessity rather than a luxury.
Epilogue. Once in the evening, Timofeitch got a map, placed it on the table and said, "Look, near Maloluchinsk there is a dot, 602 m (in red oval). This is the highest point, about 3 km from here, across a small swamp. I’d love to build a base there, too... Meh, I am not so young anymore, don’t have enough strengths...” If you have QSO with UA8TA, ask him, just in case, where he is working from: his main shack, the dug-out on the hill or maybe from 602m ASL point? I won’t be surprised if he will build something there as well ))) Wishing you a strong health and let all your plans see their fruition, dear Timofeitch! 73, de Oleg, UA9UAX/8 November, 2008 ***
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